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Shipping Information

Shipping and Delivery is the charge for Internet order processing, item selection, packaging, transport and handling. Delivery times are not guaranteed, but are our best approximation and will vary with specific requests. Shipments and deliveries only occur on weekdays. Shipping and Delivery is subject to change and will be determined at the time of order.

Estimated delivery time assumes orders are placed before 12:00 noon (GMT). Orders placed late on Friday or on Saturday will not be processed until Monday. Additional charges may accrue on Priority, Overnight and International shipping if multiple attempts are made for delivery.

Package arrives 7 to 9 business days after processing if ordered by 12:00 noon (GMT). Package arrives 2 to 3 business days after processing if ordered by 12:00 noon (GMT). WE CURRENTLY DONT OFFER OVERNIGHT SHIPPING. WE CURRENTLY DONT OFFER INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
£10-£100 FREE £5 N/A N/A
£100-£200 FREE £15 N/A N/A
£200-£500 FREE £25 N/A N/A
Over £500 FREE £50 N/A N/A